
You can use drag-n-drop do the following operations:

1. Import search results

Select one or more papers in the search results (e.g. PubMed) and drag the paper(s) to one of the tag on the left.

2. Change tag or add tag

Click a tag on the left and show a list of papers. Then select one or more papers, and drag them to a new tag to change the tag of these papers. Or hold Ctrl (PC) or Alt (Mac) on the keyboard while you are dragging to add a tag to the selected papers.

3. Import PDF files from local computer, or attach a PDF file to a paper

Regarding to this function, Peaya Paper window can be divided into two areas: the summary tab area (yellow area) and the rest (blue area). If you drop a file on the yellow area, the file will be attached to the selected paper; if you drop a PDF file to the blue area, the PDF file will be added to your library as a separate paper.

  1. Import local PDFs: Drag the PDF files from your desktop (or other folders) to the blue area of Peaya Paper. If you drop the file on one of the tags, the PDF file will added under that tag.
  2. Import a PDF from internet: Drag the link of a PDF from a webpage to the blue area of Peaya Paper. The file will be downloaded and added to your library. . If you drop the file on one of the tags, the PDF file will added under that tag.
  3. Add local attachments to a paper: Drag the attachments such as PDFs and figures from your computer to the summary tab of the selected paper (yellow area).
  4. Attach internet files to a paper. Drag a link to the summary tab of the selected paper (yellow area). The files will be downloaded and attached to the paper. You may add papers or attachments more quickly by using drag-n-drop.
