Import From PubMed

  1. Select "PubMed" from search engine list
  2. Enter search terms. You can use tags to limit your search. For example, term "Smith[1au]" will return papers whose first author is Smith. For a complete list of tags available in PubMed, click here (In the "Search Field Descriptions and Tags" session).
  3. Press enter, or "go" button
  4. A list papers are returned. Note, in addition to standard information provided by PubMed, Peaya Paper also finds [1] PDF links for each paper, [2] Average rating of Peaya users, [3] Number of views from Peaya users, [4] Number of times cited from Google Scholar. The last two numbers can also be clicked to bring up more information (viewers' map and papers that cite the selected paper).
  5. Select some papers, and click button Import to import, or click to import the papers under the last used tags. Or you can drag-n-drop the selected papers to a tag.