
Peaya Paper Feature List

  1. Software
    1. Available for Windows
    2. Available for Mac
    3. Available for Linux
    4. Available in web browser
    5. Available for Android smart phones
    6. Free of charge
    7. Automatically update
  2. Manage scientific publications and PDFs
    1. Access your papers any computers (lab, home, airport, Windows, Mac, Linux or Web Browser)
    2. Access your papers online or offline
    3. Never worry about losing your papers
    4. Search and import from Google Scholar, Google Patent, Google Books
    5. Search and import from PubMed
    6. Search and import from Web of Science
    7. Search and import from Scopus
    8. Search and import from IEEE Xplore
    9. Add reference manually (but can automatically complete citation information)
    10. Import from local PDFs (and automatically complete citation information by matching PubMed)
    11. Organize by tags
    12. Automatically find PDFs for papers returned from PubMed and Google Scholar
    13. Automatically find how many times a paper has been cited, single click to view the papers that cite the selected paper
    14. Automatically find how many times a paper has been viewed, single click to view viewers' locations
    15. Attach one or more PDFs to a paper
    16. Attach one or more figure files to a paper
    17. Attach any documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc) to a paper
    18. Automatically generate PDF page thumbnails (optional)
    19. Automatically extract figures from PDF (optional)
    20. View author connections
    21. Rate or unrate papers
    22. Track publications in PubMed
    23. Check duplication
    24. Watch folders
    25. Take note (notes are searchable)
    26. Paper suggestions
    27. Off-campus access
    28. Import from other programs (EndNote etc)
    29. Export to other programs
  3. Collaborate
    1. Add friends and share with them
    2. Invite friends in your Gmail, Facebook or twitter network (and many others)
    3. Friends suggestions
    4. Use Express Link to share with students and ad-hoc collaborators
    5. Create groups
    6. Join groups
    7. Discuss papers
    8. Recommend papers to Peaya friends or group members
    9. Recommend papers to friends in Gmail, Facebook, or twitter network (and others)
    10. Post a paper to Facebook wall
  4. Work seamlessly with Peaya Cite (Cite papers in your manuscript with "real time reference hinting" feature)
  5. View comics
