
You can change the behavior, data location, and appearance of Peaya Paper by changing your preference.

Click Menu Tools | Preference, or click button

You can change the following settings:

  1. Whether or not to display the widget window when Peaya Paper Launches.
  2. Number of papers per page
  3. Default paper view, either list view, or thumbnail view
    List View:

    Thumbnail View:
  4. Default layout, horizontal or vertical. The spatial relationship between list of papers, and detail information of the selected paper.

  5. Default tab of detailed information of the selected paper, either summary tab, or webpage/PDF tab
  6. Font and background of Peaya Paper Window
  7. Whether or not to allow Peaya Paper automatically find PDF links when you search papers
  8. Whether or not automatically import a paper when you find a PDF
  9. Whether or not generate page thumbnails when you attach a PDF, or import PDFs
  10. Whether or not extract figures from PDFs when you attach a PDF, or import PDFs
  11. How do you want to open a PDF when you double click a paper, either within Peaya Paper or using system default program
  12. Number of tabs used for search external database
  13. Whether or not search friends' libraries when search local papers
  14. Where data (papers and PDFs) are saved