Search and Import From Scopus

You can search and import papers directly from Scopus. Like Web of Science, Scopus is not a public library; you or your institute needs to have subscription to access Scopus. If you are on campus, or off-campus and have correctly configure the proxy setting, you should be able to access Scopus.

  1. select "Scopus" in the search engine list
  2. A new tab will be open for you and the Scopus main page will be opened automatically.
  3. Enter your search terms and click Search button within Scopus page.
  4. A list of result will display.
  5. To import one or more papers from this list, check the checkbox on the left of each paper, then click Import button. If you want to import all papers on this page, you can click "Select All" box.
  6. To view details of a paper, click the button "Abstract+Refs" and enter the paper's full record page. If you want to import this paper, click Import button.
  7. After you import some papers, you can find them (e.g. but clicking the corresponding tags, or by search "My Papers"). Then you can locate the PDFs in the "PDF/Web" tab.
  8. To attach the PDF to the paper, click "Attach file" button.